21 December 2012

Tenmile Peak at Night, December 21, 2012

A view toward Frisco, Colorado, and Tenmile Peak off Interstate 70, December 2012. (Photo by Daniel Binkard)
While on my way to Arizona, I pulled off the road near Frisco, Colorado, because I saw the mountain with the town before it and wanted to see if I could pull off a reasonable photo. Multiple exposures were definitely necessary to deal with the bright city lights and dark mountain. I didn't have a lot of maneuvering room for the composition, and I don't really like the tree on the left side. There are HDR merge artifacts, though they are minor at a normal viewing distance (I really should do some spotting to clean them up). Beyond that, I like the colorful city lights and strong lines from the traffic on the interstate. It's fun to see the glow on the lower end of the mountain from the city, with the higher end getting only light from the sky. It's worth stopping if you see something.