24 August 2008

Nikon-specific profiles in UFRaw

UFRaw by default produces rather different output than Nikon's in-camera rendering. Looking through my files after a shoot, I found myself disappointed that the color from UFRaw lacked the contrast and saturation of the preview JPEGs.

After some fiddling with UFRaw's settings, I found references to Nikon's own color profiles being useful. If you have a copy of Nikon Capture (even the demo will work), you can retrieve the temporary profiles it produces from an NEF. Use that profile as your input and presto — rendering just like Nikon's.

The problem is that Adobe Camera Raw uses yet another approach, and I can't specify an input profile like in UFRaw. So I must tweak my Camera Raw defaults until I get something approaching the Nikon rendering. And so far it's proven a bit tedious…