22 November 2018

Moonrise Over the Water, November 22, 2018

Moonrise over the Missouri River at Ponca State Park, November 2018. (Photo by Daniel Binkard)
The backwater channel of the Missouri River at Ponca State Park provides an excellent place to hike and get stuck in thick grasses (and prickly bushes). Watch out for mountain lions and Canada geese. An excellent bit of luck here with the rising moon and enough twilight remaining to light up the landscape. This was the second night I played with this composition, and the moonrise time being just a bit later meant the ambient light was just a bit darker. It pays to revisit potential spots! This is a manual HDR-style composite, with the moon being brought in from a darker exposure made at the same time.

20 November 2018

Cattails at Cottonwood Lake, November 20, 2018

Cattails on the shore at Cottonwood Lake State Recreation Area, November 2018. (Photo by Daniel Binkard)
Most of the time when I'm at Cottonwood Lake, I try to include plenty of obvious water in my photos. On this particular visit, I found myself looking for details. Seems like I'm still working on a good photo of a cattail, but this is a bit closer to my goal. I like the dimensionality the side lighting on the fuzzball provides (plus a little back-lighting). It's the curved shapes of the grass in the background that I really like, and which provide a fitting backdrop for the cattail.